80 is the outside temperature this afternoon; inside the hoophouse and greenhouse it's warmer than that. It would be even hotter in the greenhouse if I hadn't added shade netting a couple of years ago. This is a readout of the thermistors that Rich set up in both places.
Apparently, these are the kind of spring temps we need to prepare for in the future. My dilemma: leave the snapdragons and larkspurs in their trays in the greenhouse or transplant them where the wind and sun will do a number on them. Holding pattern for now.
Seeding update:
1 1/2" blocks
Zinnia: 17 'Orange Lime;' 12 'Salmon Rose;' 30 'Cactus Mix'
17 Bells of Ireland
1/2" blocks
30 'Aromatto' Basil; 30 'Genovese' Basil
60 Scabiosa 'Black Knight'
30 Monarda
30 Briza (Quaking Grass)
60 Aster 'Chamois'
60 Aster 'King Mix'
Alas, poor germination of Zinnia mix and several varieties of Asters sown on 4/3; 'Salmon Rose' Zinnias look great. Trying again with the seeds that I have left.
Anyway, here are a few scenes from the early spring strivers. Could not capture the flies and bees darting around - they're too intent on the search for nourishment to alight anywhere for long.