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Seed tray #2

60 Stock, Katz Mix

60 Phlox, Cherry Caramel

40 Iceland Poppies, Champagne Bubbles

20 Meconopsis, Lingholm

120 Shallots

My enthusiasm for Stock (Matthiola incana) has waxed and waned over the years. Tried some plugs from Gro N' Sell last year and was pleased with how they performed. My mistake was choosing a color and timing that was superfluous given the other varieties I had in bloom at the time.

So I'm ordering plugs again this year, as well as starting some from seed. (They'll all be grown in the high tunnel.) The big issue for discussion among flower growers is how to select for double flowers. One way is to look for fused leaves at the cotyledon stage - those are the singles. The variety I'm starting from seed, Katz, is rated at 55-60% doubles. Here's what Dave Dowling, flower expert says:

Katz stock from Pan American is selected by putting the plug tray in 40-45 degrees for 3-4 days, then plucking out the darker color seedlings.

I've sown 2 seeds per 1/2" soil blocks to up my odds. The plugs will probably be too advanced to use the cold treatment on, so I'll try the fused cotyledon approach. And few singles aren't really that big a deal, are they?

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