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Wanted to make the title a shoutout to trans people who are being persecuted for simply wanting to live their lives in peace, but I was afraid that my attempt at a joke might backfire.


Even with a quite rainy and chilly week, it's time to get the cold-tolerant plants out into the weather. So,

  • Rudbeckia, 15 or so, filling in the rows where one out of two plants from last year had not survived.

  • Campanula, 40. The plants that looked amazing last fall were entirely eradicated by deer, who ate them around the foxgloves. Hoping to have blooms this season.

  • Dianthus, Amazon 'Neon Duo,' transplanted into the hoophouse.

Dianthus, Amazon "Neon Duo'

I guess the dianthus Amazon series has been around for a while - think Sweet William on stilts - but I grew them for the first time last year, and now I'm hooked.

Also continued the daffodil harvest. Will have a good amount in the cooler for Mother's Day!


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