EllenApr 22, 2023EucsHaven't grown eucalyptus for a while. At one point it seemed ubiquitous, and then droughts in Australia created a seed shortage for a...
EllenApr 19, 2023Soil blocking trialThe soil block makers are set to bump up 1/2" blocks into 2" blocks. I wanted to fit more into the tray so I transplanted seedlings from...
EllenApr 17, 2023Box of RainSo needed, after the heat of the past few days. I swear the peonies grew a couple of inches today! Not too much happening work-wise in...
EllenApr 14, 2023In which a slight panic, but all is wellWhen I tried to flush the toilet in the middle of the night there was no water inthe tank, and no flow from the faucet. I realized that...